10 research outputs found


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    Since the use of mobile devices spreads increasingly, mobile systems also play a major role for distributed business processes. In such scenarios, extending workflow management support to mobile systems offers potential to seamlessly integrate field staff into business processes, even if executing devices are disconnected from the company\u27s server. However, the heterogeneity of current mobile systems still requires complex device-specific descriptions of user interfaces to integrate manual tasks. Therefore, this paper presents an abstract and modality-independent description model to support the development and execution of interactive mobile workflows and a corresponding prototype realization based on a service-oriented execution module

    Decentralized Coordination in Self-Organizing Systems based on Peer-to-Peer Coordination Spaces

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    Coordination is an important aspect to realize Self-organizing Systemsusually implemented as part of the functional properties of the system. This paper promotes a separation of concerns via a declarative approach to realize decentralized coordination in Self-organizing Multi-Agent Systems (MAS). In previous work the concept of Coordination Spaces was developed which provides explicit support for the task of coordination in MAS. Coordination Spaces are part of the agent environment and handle a declarative description of the coordination process. Thereby, this approach allows developers rather focusing on what to coordinate than on how to  coordinate. Also by releasing the developer from programming coordination manually, the approach offers benefits like reusability and interoperability of coordination processes. This paper extends the approach by a distribution concept for coordination spaces. By using different techniques like remote service calls, group communicationand publish/subscribe models the distribution of information among multiple platforms in a peer-to-peer like approach is achieved

    A Reputation-Based Approach to Self-Adaptive Service Selection

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    Service-orientation provides concepts and tools for flexible composition and management of largescale distributed software applications. The automated run-time management of such loosely coupled software systems, however, poses still major challenges and is therefore an active research area, including the use of novel computing paradigms. In this context, the dynamic and adaptive selection of best possible service providers is an important task, which can be addressed by an appropriate middleware layer that allows considering different service quality aspects when managing the adaptive execution of distributed service workflows dynamically. In such an approach, service consumers are enabled to delegate the adaptive selection of service providers at run-time to the execution infrastructure. The selection criteria used are based on the cost of a service provision and the continuous, dynamic evaluation of reputations of providers, i.e. maintained track records of meeting the respective service commitments. This paper discusses the design and operating principle of such an automatic service selection middleware extension. Its ability to balance different quality criteria for service selection, such as service cost vs. the reliability of provision, is empirically evaluated based on a multi-agent platform approach


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    Ključni trenutak u zaštiti poljoprivrednih kultura od štetnika jest točno određivanje optimalnog roka primjene insekticida, za što je potrebno određenim metodama utvrditi brojnost populacije štetnika u usjevu. Za obilazak i pregled usjeva potrebno je dosta vremena i ljudskog rada, što je proizvođačima ponekad veliki problem. Zbog toga su osmišljeni razni računalni programi koji pomažu i olakšavaju donošenje vrlo teških odluka. Iako postoji veliki broj programa, vrlo malo ih se koristi u praksi. Danas jedini komercijalno dostupan računalni program za pomoć pri određivanju optimalnih rokova suzbijanja štetnika jest proPlant koji se koristi kao pomoć pri zaštiti šećerne repe, uljane repice, krumpira i žitarica, a uključuje razvijene fenološke modele i za štetnike tih kultura i za njihove prirodne neprijatelje.The key moment in the protection of agricultural crops against pests is precisely determining the optimal time of insecticide application using different methods in the field. Visual inspections of crops are necessary but time consuming and producers usually do not have enough time. For this reason, various computer programs have been developed to help and facilitate very difficult decisions. Although there is very large number of these programs, very few are used in practice. Today, the only commercially available Computer program is proPlant which is used as help in protection of sugar beet, oilseed rape, potato and cerelas against insect pests. It includes developed phenological models both for the pests of and their natural enemies

    Beneficial fauna of arthropods in alfalfa (Medicago sativa L.) on experimental grounds Šašinovec

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    Lucerna je jedna od najraširenijih krmnih kultura, a broj štetočinja koji smanjuju prinos voluminozne krme i sjemena lucerne vrlo je velik. S obzirom na sve veći trend uklanjanja pesticida s tržišta, veću pažnju treba obratiti na ekološki prihvatljive načine suzbijanja tih štetočinja. Jedan od takvih načina je i očuvanje već postojećih prirodnih neprijatelja, odnosno korisne faune koja zahtjeva određene uvjete za rast i razvoj. Korisna fauna je skup životinjskih organizama koji imaju izravan ili neizravan pozitivan utjecaj na kultivirane biljne vrste. Cilj ovog rada je bio prikazati korisnu faunu u usjevu lucerne na pokušalištu Šašinovec Agronomskog fakulteta u Zagrebu u razdoblju od veljače do srpnja, tijekom 2019. godine. Za utvrđivanje brojnosti populacija korisnih organizama korištene su metode „pitfall“ trap, endogejski trap, entomološka mreža te vizualni pregled. Tijekom razdoblja istraživanja utvrđeno je ukupno 10 porodica korisnih kukaca i dva reda korisnih člankonožaca u usjevu lucerne. Najprisutnija porodica korisne faune bili su trčci te redovi pauka i stonoge.Alfalfa is one of the most widespread forage cultures and the number of pests that reduce voluminous feed and seed of alfalfa is quite large. Considering all the greater trend of removing pesticides from market, it is important to keep in mind the ecologically acceptable ways of pest repelling. One way of doing that is preservation of already existing natural enemies, or beneficial fauna that demands certain conditions for growth and development. Beneficial fauna is a group of animal organisms that can directly or indirectly affect cultivated plants in a positive way. A main goal of this research was to show beneficial fauna in alfalfa on experiment grounds Šašinovec of University of Zagreb - Faculty of Agriculture during February, March, April, May and June in 2019. Pitfall trap, endogean trap, entomological net, and visual examination methods were used to determine quantity of beneficial fauna. During this research, 10 families and 2 orders of useful fauna in alfalfa were found and shown in tables and graphs

    Beneficial fauna of arthropods in alfalfa (Medicago sativa L.) on experimental grounds Šašinovec

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    Lucerna je jedna od najraširenijih krmnih kultura, a broj štetočinja koji smanjuju prinos voluminozne krme i sjemena lucerne vrlo je velik. S obzirom na sve veći trend uklanjanja pesticida s tržišta, veću pažnju treba obratiti na ekološki prihvatljive načine suzbijanja tih štetočinja. Jedan od takvih načina je i očuvanje već postojećih prirodnih neprijatelja, odnosno korisne faune koja zahtjeva određene uvjete za rast i razvoj. Korisna fauna je skup životinjskih organizama koji imaju izravan ili neizravan pozitivan utjecaj na kultivirane biljne vrste. Cilj ovog rada je bio prikazati korisnu faunu u usjevu lucerne na pokušalištu Šašinovec Agronomskog fakulteta u Zagrebu u razdoblju od veljače do srpnja, tijekom 2019. godine. Za utvrđivanje brojnosti populacija korisnih organizama korištene su metode „pitfall“ trap, endogejski trap, entomološka mreža te vizualni pregled. Tijekom razdoblja istraživanja utvrđeno je ukupno 10 porodica korisnih kukaca i dva reda korisnih člankonožaca u usjevu lucerne. Najprisutnija porodica korisne faune bili su trčci te redovi pauka i stonoge.Alfalfa is one of the most widespread forage cultures and the number of pests that reduce voluminous feed and seed of alfalfa is quite large. Considering all the greater trend of removing pesticides from market, it is important to keep in mind the ecologically acceptable ways of pest repelling. One way of doing that is preservation of already existing natural enemies, or beneficial fauna that demands certain conditions for growth and development. Beneficial fauna is a group of animal organisms that can directly or indirectly affect cultivated plants in a positive way. A main goal of this research was to show beneficial fauna in alfalfa on experiment grounds Šašinovec of University of Zagreb - Faculty of Agriculture during February, March, April, May and June in 2019. Pitfall trap, endogean trap, entomological net, and visual examination methods were used to determine quantity of beneficial fauna. During this research, 10 families and 2 orders of useful fauna in alfalfa were found and shown in tables and graphs

    Beneficial fauna of arthropods in alfalfa (Medicago sativa L.) on experimental grounds Šašinovec

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    Lucerna je jedna od najraširenijih krmnih kultura, a broj štetočinja koji smanjuju prinos voluminozne krme i sjemena lucerne vrlo je velik. S obzirom na sve veći trend uklanjanja pesticida s tržišta, veću pažnju treba obratiti na ekološki prihvatljive načine suzbijanja tih štetočinja. Jedan od takvih načina je i očuvanje već postojećih prirodnih neprijatelja, odnosno korisne faune koja zahtjeva određene uvjete za rast i razvoj. Korisna fauna je skup životinjskih organizama koji imaju izravan ili neizravan pozitivan utjecaj na kultivirane biljne vrste. Cilj ovog rada je bio prikazati korisnu faunu u usjevu lucerne na pokušalištu Šašinovec Agronomskog fakulteta u Zagrebu u razdoblju od veljače do srpnja, tijekom 2019. godine. Za utvrđivanje brojnosti populacija korisnih organizama korištene su metode „pitfall“ trap, endogejski trap, entomološka mreža te vizualni pregled. Tijekom razdoblja istraživanja utvrđeno je ukupno 10 porodica korisnih kukaca i dva reda korisnih člankonožaca u usjevu lucerne. Najprisutnija porodica korisne faune bili su trčci te redovi pauka i stonoge.Alfalfa is one of the most widespread forage cultures and the number of pests that reduce voluminous feed and seed of alfalfa is quite large. Considering all the greater trend of removing pesticides from market, it is important to keep in mind the ecologically acceptable ways of pest repelling. One way of doing that is preservation of already existing natural enemies, or beneficial fauna that demands certain conditions for growth and development. Beneficial fauna is a group of animal organisms that can directly or indirectly affect cultivated plants in a positive way. A main goal of this research was to show beneficial fauna in alfalfa on experiment grounds Šašinovec of University of Zagreb - Faculty of Agriculture during February, March, April, May and June in 2019. Pitfall trap, endogean trap, entomological net, and visual examination methods were used to determine quantity of beneficial fauna. During this research, 10 families and 2 orders of useful fauna in alfalfa were found and shown in tables and graphs

    Abstract User Interfaces for Mobile Processes

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    Abstract. An important focus of recent business process management systems is on the distributed, self-contained and even disconnected execution of processes involving mobile devices. Such an execution context leads to the class of mobile processes which are able to migrate between mobile and stationary devices in order to share functionalities and resources provided by the entire (mobile) environment. However, both the description and the execution of tasks which involve interactions of mobile users still require the executing device and its context to be known in advance in order to come up with a suitable user interface. Since this seems not appropriate for such decentralized and highly dynamic mobile processes, this work focuses on the integration of manual tasks on the respective ad-hoc creation of user interfaces at runtime. As an important prerequisite for that, this paper first presents an abstract and modalityindependent interaction model to support the development and execution of user-centric mobile processes. Furthermore, the paper describes a prototype implementation for a corresponding system infrastructure component based on a service-oriented execution module, and, finally, shows its integration into the DEMAC (Distributed Environment for Mobility-Aware Computing) middleware.

    An Extensible Framework for Dynamic Market-Based Service Selection and Business Process Execution

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    International audienceBusiness applications in open and dynamic service markets offer great opportunities for both consumers as well as for providers of services. However, the management of related business processes in such environments requires considerable (often still manual) effort. Specific additional challenges arise in highly dynamic environments which may lead, e.g., to service failures or even to complete disappearance of partners and, consequently, a need to reconfigure related processes. This work aims at generic software support for addressing such challenges mainly by providing an extensible negotiation framework which is capable of performing the tasks of service selection and service execution automatically. Its technical basis are augmented, reusable and highly autonomous service components that can be tailored towards the specific needs of each business process. In addition, the implementation of the negotiation framework includes a simulation component which offers convenient means to study the outcome of different settings of the business environment a priori